วันจันทร์ที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Living on a Sailboat - Choose the Right Dinghy

Living on a sailboat is a great way to travel and live. Choose your dinghy to be careful. Also learn from our mistakes, we have a few of them.

We traveled to the Caribbean to live aboard a sailboat for 8 years. It took 3 years to the right dinghy engine combination to obtain. Let this be you. Get a hard bottom a dinghy) with a large tube diameter (16 "minimum, a 15-horse engine, dinghy davits and install on your boat this combo deal with.

Our first dinghy was a rollup dinghy, webe filed by West Marine set up that could be in a pocket. He weighed 100 pounds. We combined that with a 5 hp motor, no additional fuel tank had. Dumb ... You want the trouble of blowing up the dinghy to a passageway. Their flowers are on their second beer while you're on the pump crew.

The 5-horsepower engine was totally inadequate and without auxiliary fuel tank had a limited range. Not enough power for aircraft, makes for a wet ride and bad language if you are dressed for a night ashore. Reallystupid ...

We buy a 10-foot dinghy Caribe hard bottom that CCL weighed approximately 130th Much more stable than the rollup. But we did not go through mistakes. I increased our engine HP to 8, with an auxiliary tank that the area where we could increase. It would not plane with 2 people. Still wet, but causes bad language ... stupid, really stupid.

The only good thing about it was the dinghy davits allow us to haul the dinghy at night and on the floor. Towing the boat slows you down at the transitionhalf a knot ... do not do it ... Davits preserved. Since the davits were on the boat when we bought it, I can not accept responsibility for this situation.

After 3 years I have finally bought a 15 horse Yamaha. Everything was good, we could plane, and it was dry ... no more bad language.

All I could do to right it would have been, his eyes open and look at the boat docks on the islands. But what you see Caribe hard bottom dinghy, and 15 horse Yamaha motors. The answer was always theretime.

Living on a sailboat can be a lot of fun to learn from our mistakes in dinghies and engines and start right.

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